Wednesday 14 February 2007

Challenge to the Marxian System of Ideas

Hello Dr. Murray, Hello CoreCult Colleagues,

for the series "debate, for debate's sake", here is a (prestigious) quote in relation to Marx's system of ideas:

"Marx's Capital is in essence (...) a collection of atrocity stories designed to stimulate martial ardour against the enemy. Very naturally, it also stimulates the martial ardour of the enemy. It thus brings about the class-war which it prophesies. It is through the stimulation of hatred that Marx has proved such a tremendous political force, and through the fact that he has successfully represented capitalists as objects of moral abhorrence. [In fact, the purpose of] the theoretical part of Capital (...) is to make the reader feel that the hatred stirred up in him is righteous indignation, and may be indulged with benefit to mankind." (Bertrand Russell, Sceptical Essays, p.115)